
On this page you will see some developments of my projects at what I feel have been important parts. You will be able to see the changes within my work and how I have had to adapt to new situations. 

You can find more developments on my Instagrams :

Well, this it in my final project in my 3rd year, my final piece of work that will be displayed through the University of Chester.

So, it's coming to the end of my 3 year degree and I'm stuck in isolation trying to work from home. Coronavirus has had a large effect on my work as I haven't been able to physically work because I don't have the equipment at home, so I am unable to be hands on.

This year the Universities degree show for art and design students is very different to previous years as the coronavirus has made everyone work remotely meaning the degree show is going to be virtual. However, there may possibly be an exhibition later on in the year of our work.

Interdisciplinary is a module I am undergoing where I am able to combine my two skill sets, graphic design and photography. However I am not completely using my photography as in taking the photographs, I am working with vernacular photography and manipulating newer photographs. This project I am working on an editorial piece, it all started off...

After sorting out dates with friends and family, receiving agreements from the participants and when they were available I was able to get back into the studio to start shooting. For this shoots as I wanted some form of control over the shoots I gave 10 statements in which they had 5 seconds to react to, they had to...

This photography project has taken me a while to figure out what my basis idea is, which I have come to the conclusion that it is Social Interactions. I haven't really worked in a studio over my time at university and I felt that it was time for me to explore this process. So at first I took one...

This is one of the introductory lectures to this module, where we were told to create ideas for fundraising so we are able to have a catalogue at the degree show.

Kayli Harrison
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