Wider world blog

Whilst being in isolation at home in Wigan I have been thinking about what I am going to do when university is over, as I'll have no more projects to work on. Obviously personal projects I will continue but I have lost a little passion for creating at the moment. So I decided to do some research into extra...

So today my mum has been chatting to one of her friends who didn't know that I studied graphic design. She is starting a new business and wants some business cards making and a logo etc. Everything that comes with a brand basically, so this is something I am starting new alongside my final projects for my 3rd year. I...

Throughout my final year I have created instagram accounts and Facebook accounts for my work, however I have never truly branded myself so I set myself a little task one weekend to start working on a logo design that suits me and represents my style.

As lockdown measures ease, designers discuss whether there will be any working practice changes for good, what they've learned from lockdown and what returning to work might look like for their studios.

Graphic Designers and Illustrators have started to create work that is informative, easy and simple to understand. These are images that allow people to explain to children what they should do with washing their hands or how to know if you should isolate, get treated etc.

After having very little motivation over the past few weeks I started to read up on what other photographers are doing and how it is effecting them and their practice. A lot of photographers have found themselves photographing very mundane objects or interactions with the people they are isolating with, however they are finding it interesting...

So a global pandemic has hit, the whole world has come to a stand still and the virus is killing mass amounts of people, sweeping in country by country. Everyone is being forced to stay home, stop working, social distance and queue for miles to get into shops. But all precautions have to be taken. University have taken to online...

Photography jobs, as I have started working in the studio I have really enjoyed my time learning how to light and direct a photograph in that environment as it is a little more formal. So today I decided to start looking at job roles working in a studio. I love the idea of working in a fashion studio, maybe...

Kayli Harrison
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