Online Learning


Whilst being in isolation at home in Wigan I have been thinking about what I am going to do when university is over, as I'll have no more projects to work on. Obviously personal projects I will continue but I have lost a little passion for creating at the moment. So I decided to do some research into extra learning classes, for specific skills, I have looked at places that I could possibly work and even looked at different routes, for example business and marketing. I have thought about how I may occupy my time as I am furloughed from my part time job and it doesn't look like it will be opening up soon. So, how am I going to keep busy but also keep up with my skills I've learned throughout my education. I have looked at illustration courses as I have recently started getting into drawing-especially fashion illustrations- I have looked at business courses through careers hub and how I may go self employed etc and what that would mean for me. I have also been looking into photography courses that are in one specific skill but as I don't have a lot off equipment or money I feel I wouldn't benefit from this as I wouldn't be able to be hands on. 

I feel that I need something to be doing whilst being stuck at home as I want to better myself and expand my knowledge and skill set. So in the very near future, after my degree is completed I am going to start working on some online course, the benefit of it being now is that a lot of courses are free because people haven't got jobs etc so they can't pay for them. Which I think is really good of these business'. 

Kayli Harrison
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