

Interdisciplinary is a module I am undergoing where I am able to combine my two skill sets, graphic design and photography. However I am not completely using my photography as in taking the photographs, I am working with vernacular photography and manipulating newer photographs. This project I am working on an editorial piece, it all started off with my interest in family photos and looking at the past, then I found myself talking about the clothes that they are wearing and how those styles have come back around every couple of years, at least once every decade but they are slightly reworked or have and extra detail.

 So I started off working with placing family photographs into older magazine layouts which I thought was pretty cool but didn't really explain what I was doing, so I decided to try them in a newer magazine format and this then became interesting because the photos started to blend with some of the images in the newer magazines. However, I wanted to use a high end magazine and my old family photographs weren't showing those kind of styles etc. Which made me think, can I find these styles in older versions of this magazine and how are they shown? Are they different? Or are they the same? As I started to develop this work, I really started to enjoy it, it was hard to become motivated at first and make the pieces show what I want to discuss but after multiple conversations, ups and downs I have finally found a way to explain what I am trying to convey. Which is really exciting. With everything that is going on at the moment with the Coronavirus pandemic, creativity for me has been on a back burner and I have found it really difficult to work and be motivated at home without being able to have a studio space. So now I have a clearer picture of what I am going to get from my project I am feeling some what more excited and motivated. 

Kayli Harrison
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