Sian Bonnell
Sian Bonnell
Sian Bonnell's background is fine art and sculpture, however she is mostly known for her performance art and photographs. She is currently a curator and has worked on curating the recent show Jump!
Throughout the talk Bonnell discussed being in third year and her biggest tip to us being, "Don't stress, enjoy and love what you do however bonkers it is". I am taking this away with me because being in the education system there are certain ways of working that aren't really accepted but in the real world that's not how it is, as long as you love what you do keep on creating and someone somewhere will love what you're doing.
Bonnell's work comes across as strange and people have laughed at her work but she doesn't listen to that, she creates her work because she wants to see what happens when she tries something new and if it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't and she learns from it and I think as a student we should take that on because we have all the resources right in-front of us and we should use them. At the time when Bonnell was getting noticed she was working with photography out in the countryside, she was taking objects from the house and taking them out and placing them in certain areas, she was discussing land and the heritage of the area she lived but only realised this after she had started shooting. A photograph can convey a conversation and she developed this throughout her work.
Finally, Bonnell spoke about something that she calls 'Wilful Amateurism',