Nick Munro
Nick Munro is an owner of a company that is Chester based and works on tableware, Munro started out as an engineer and then became an artist.
Munro discussed that finding his 'Heros' in what he was working on and interested in helped him to figure out exactly where his interests lie, I found this really interesting because I have always looked at other people within my discipline and taken inspiration but I have never classed someone as my 'hero' so maybe I should take a deeper look at people who are interested in what I am interested in too.
Munro explained that his biggest struggle being an artist was having money but not being known, this then extended his time before becoming part of the industry.
KISS PRINCIPLE - start simple, start small and think big, match creativity with press, think about IP protection. This is what I was really interested in because he explained that media attention was a big part of him getting to where he is now and how his business and work grown.
Before Munro started his own business he went to work in Sheffield for a company, but he didn't like that they wanted him to sell what they make, when really he wanted them to make what he will sell. He then started gaining contracts with Harrods, Selfridges etc where he started making more stylish glassware. He then set up a shop in Harvey Knickles where he had a brand and had to get it out their by using press again, he had to then gain partnerships so that it could stay running and receive money, his first partnership was Bugati which he created cutlery for, second was Wedgewood which gained huge media coverage (Traditional ceramics) and this kept going, he received more and more partnerships and got into hotels, did work for the Olympics in 2012. One of the pieces that stood out to me a lot was the gift for the Queen... the teapot. As it was such a simple object with significant meaning.