Degree Show Proposal


This year the Universities degree show for art and design students is very different to previous years as the coronavirus has made everyone work remotely meaning the degree show is going to be virtual. However, there may possibly be an exhibition later on in the year of our work. 

This meant that our proposals had to be what we thought could work in the virtual gallery and physically or have separate proposals for each layout because maybe the physical one wouldn't work in the virtual gallery. I felt a lot of pressure when figuring out how my work will be shown as I you will see I talk about this below, the most important thing to me is that even if they display is different to the proposal I have the work to the highest standard I can complete it at and it communicates exactly what I want it to. 

Below : This is my proposal for my Interdisciplinary module, I felt that it was something that could work both physically and virtually. It could slightly be tweaked in physical for as more of a walk through to the end product, the magazine so you are guessing as you walk through the other magazines. However, I felt for the virtual exhibition it could work better to have a "hanging" collage of magazine covers and then the one you interact with on the side so that it is obvious to click that and open it. 

Below: Here is my photography proposal, this proposal is written a little while before my final project came together so I feel that this may change when it gets to the actual degree show because of the format, it may not work for my final photographs. However, I still have some time to make sure that the photographs get exhibited in the way I feel works best. This format may be better for the virtual exhibition but not work as well in the physical exhibition. 

Kayli Harrison
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