Coronavirus Effect on Photographers


After having very little motivation over the past few weeks I started to read up on what other photographers are doing and how it is effecting them and their practice. A lot of photographers have found themselves photographing very mundane objects or interactions with the people they are isolating with, however they are finding it interesting because it's things they wouldn't notice in their daily lives as they are rushing about. I also found it interesting how many photographers have been reaching out to people online to interact and carry on creating, whether it be editing a photograph someone has sent them for a collection or personally taking the photographs on video call. 

One photographer I have looked at was JJ Waller, as he has been photographing Brighton for a couple of years, he decided to reach out the people of Brighton, he explained that he wanted to photograph people through the windows and I found it really interesting how these photographs work so well and will allow us to explain to the future generations what was going on during this time. A lot of photographers are using this time to create memories for our future generations as this is going to be something they will learn in school and how the virus effected everyone all over the world. The photographers are using this time to contact and network as major companies have set up forums, workshops, course etc to keep people connected to the discipline. 

Kayli Harrison
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