Beginning a new project


So today my mum has been chatting to one of her friends who didn't know that I studied graphic design. She is starting a new business and wants some business cards making and a logo etc. Everything that comes with a brand basically, so this is something I am starting new alongside my final projects for my 3rd year. I am excited to get into this and have a few conversations with her about what she wants from this design and how I can help her look professional and approachable. This could also be a challenge for my as the business is a counselling business, working with clients and gaining trust, so I will have to show this in aspects in the design. Conducting research into what makes a brand look trustworthy etc. I'm really excited to start this and see where it takes me, hopefully this will be the start of something for me after uni. It will be a way of getting my name out there, so I will be keeping you up to date over on my instagram : @khstudio99

Kayli Harrison
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