Guest Lectures

On this page you will find a variety of posts about lectures I attended, where we had guest speakers come into the university and discuss their experiences, job roles and how they got to where they are now. We had people come from all different disciplines so that we were able to learn more about the creative world, even if it wasn't the discipline we are studying. I found a lot of these interesting as they discussed things I had never thought about, it also helped listening to people discuss what they did after graduation as it feels like at the moment like a really stressful time and to hear a range of experiences really put my mind at ease, you only get to were you want to be a the right time and with hard work, is what I learned from a lot of these lectures. 


Gulliver has never studied design but has always seen it as solving problems, at school she wasn't sure of what she wanted to do, however she went on to study A Levels, after this she found herself in a managerial role at a job she had been working part time at, through her college life. She found this useful as...

Lesley Gulliver - Managing Director Darren Evans - Designer/ Editor/ Founder

AA2A students


4 Art and Design students discussed their time on an AA2A course, where they come from and what they're doing now.

Scott Duffy


Scott Duffy studied at the University of Chester, he worked his worked his way up from making gig posters to starting a business with his wife were they now great gift cards, mugs, t-shirts, games etc. While Duffy was studying he really enjoyed screen printing, after he graduated from University he never went straight into a creative job, he...

Jenni Greenwood was a student at the University of Chester and she studied Fine Art and Art History for 3 years. She then started to work her way into interior design, she got a job as a interior designer at a place on the Wirral, in which she learned how to talk to clients, fabric schemes and was able...

Sian Bonnell


Sian Bonnell's background is fine art and sculpture, however she is mostly known for her performance art and photographs. She is currently a curator and has worked on curating the recent show Jump!

Al Jones' lecture has stuck with me due to him creating it to be interactive, he works for the BBC and has been working there for 8 years. I feel that I could relate to him due to the fact that he had no idea a what he wanted to do and sort of fell into the creative industry...

Nick Munro


Nick Munro is an owner of a company that is Chester based and works on tableware, Munro started out as an engineer and then became an artist.

Craig Easton


Craig is a documentary photographer, he first worked for a newspaper called the Independent. He was known for taking the photos of the IRA bombings and the photograph of Margret Thatcher leaning out of the window. These single images were used by the newspapers and news outlets however Easton wanted to move away from the single image and...

Kayli Harrison
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